LGfL Assemble - FAQ
If you have a question that isn't answered below, please don't hesitate to contact us through https://helpdesk.lgfl.net/support/tickets/new or by emailing assemble@lgfl.net.
What is LGfL Assemble?
Assemble is a portal for LGfL Schools designed and built in partnership with schools and MATs. It provides a window to your educational world where you can find vital information on saving money, safeguarding children, cybersecurity, broadband services, attendance information and much more, all in one place.
What is Wonde?
Wonde’s platform has been built to integrate seamlessly with your school MIS, ensuring your data is securely maintained, managed and accessible. This creates a single, simple-to-use portal that enables you to access and control all of your applications. LGfL is harnessing the power of Wonde to manage your access to the Assemble platform.
You can find more information on how it works on their website, https://www.wonde.com/school
How do I get set up with Wonde?
Wonde will be able to help get you set up and connect your MIS, more information on their website https://www.wonde.com/school/how-it-works/
You can find more information on how it works on their website, https://www.wonde.com/school
What functionality is currently available in LGfL Assemble?
LGfL Assemble is continuously evolving. However, a snapshot of some of the functionality available is detailed in this guide page.
How does my school get access to LGfL Assemble?
LGfL Assemble is currently in beta. If you'd like to join the beta, please contact us through https://helpdesk.lgfl.net/support/tickets/new or email assemble@lgfl.net.
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