SchoolProtect Dashboard FAQ
What is the SchoolProtect dashboard?
The SchoolProtect dashboard is an interactive analytics tool to allow schools to both get an overview of the web activity trends but also quickly drill down into usage for individual users, groups or websites, supporting investigations.
The data presented should be easy to understand, even for non-technical staff.
What do I need to set up before using the dashboard?
There are some features in SchoolProtect you should set up for the correct data to populate the dashboard:
User Identification - Setting up Windows & Chromebook (iPad, Mac and BYOD options are coming soon) agent authentication will make sure all browsing activity is tagged with the user name. Without this, only IP addresses will be shown, making it very difficult to tie activity to an individual. Policy groups should be set up for staff and students as a minimum but key stage or year group policies will make it easier to navigate.
HTTPS Decryption - Without decryption, only the website domain names are visible to the filter. This greatly limits the detail available in the dashboard. Enabling HTTPS decryption means the filtering platform can see the full URL which includes the specific page and extracts the search terms entered into search engines such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.
Why are some of the charts blank?
The most common case for charts being blank (especially the search term charts) is HTTPS decryption is not turned on (see above). Charts can also be blank if there is no data because you have applied too specific filters or are looking at at time range that has no browsing activity.
Can I export or share the data?
Data can be exported either as an image or as raw Excel/CSV. Instructions can be found here.
Can scheduled exports and alerts be set up?
Currently, scheduled reporting is handled by the legacy reporting interface (Create Reports / View Reports). This allows reports to be generated hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. Instructions on setting this up can be found here.
We are reviewing options to incorporate the dashboard into scheduled reports.